I'm a mess That don't rhyme with shit, it's just true
Milk/Milk-Kun/Any kin names
Trans male (He/Him)
I'm Bakugou Katsukis #1 hater

These Characters Are Literally Me

Josuke Higashikata (Part 8); Shinji Ikari; Mae Borowski; Tetsuo Shima; Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu; Rick Sanchez

N; Guzma; Arcade Gannon; Pony(Hm:AWL)

Parappa Rapper; Tweek Tweak; Hinata Shouyou

Shiny Aipom; Togepi; Togetic; Togekiss; Paras; Parasect; Igglybuff; Jigglypuff; Wigglytuff; Oddish; Gloom; Vileplume

I'm interested in the following seriesPokemon
Jojos Bizarre Adventure
Night In The Woods
Final Fantasy
Harvest Moon
Dangan Ronpa
Kill La Kill
Rick And Morty
South Park
Metal Gear Solid
Revolutionary Girl Utena (Less so but still)
Tag any of the following things as Milk Don't Look or James Don't Look
Bakugou Katski(If you are a mutual and you post him untagged I will block you from every site we interact on I get extremely extremey upset when I see him and I have warned people in the past but they didn't listen)
You are bigoted in anyway(transphobic,homophobic you know the drill by now buddy)
You think mentally ill people are unintelligent because of their illnesses
Are anti-otherkin
If you use slurs you can't reclaim